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The first meeting of the Limerick Housing Action took place in the Northside Community Centre in Moyross. Convened and facilitated by artist Kerry Guinan, this meeting drew together residents, politicians, activists, concerned citizens and more. The meeting was run as a dynamic task oriented way of addressing the housing crisis in Limerick and beyond.

The minutes of the meeting were circulated subsequently as follows:

Limerick Housing Action Group First Meeting 8th November 2018 7:00PM to 9:00PM Northside Family Resource Centre Number of Attendees: 25

Introductions: - Names/Parties stated by everyone. - Everyone united against one common cause. - Confidentiality within meeting space agreed upon. Limerick housing issues as raised: - Too many vacant houses. - Difficulty with Limerick County Council - its issues with leasing a house to the council, upwards of €10,000 to rent house through the council. - Deadlock in the county council. - Boundaries/barriers for privates landlords accepting HAP. - Lack of building social housing. - Slum conditions in city centre - very little housing inspections. - Selling off public land, and problems with distribution of land, i.e. mostly private housing being built. - Funding available for traveller accomodation - not being spent. - Rent increasing, no rent control. - Slum landlords - tenant intimidation. - Evictions. - Overcrowding. - No halting sites being built in Limerick in 17 years. Halting sites not being serviced. - Aggressive planning and building - anti-traveller policy. - Lack of improvements in regeneration areas - only some areas being refurbished. - Regeneration segregating communities. - Needs of people not being met across the board. - Lack of common sense/empathy. - Rough sleepers on the streets. - Conditions in hostels and emergency accom. - Conditions in direct provision. - Issues with finding housing after leaving direct provision. - Issues within housing services. - Mental health/trauma across the board. - Vulture funds. - A lot of discrimination against travellers, those facing addiction etc. Issues to Focus On: - Discrimination and equality. - Land policy - social housing, emergency accom. - Rent policy.

ONE ISSUE - VACANT PROPERTY. THREE GROUPS: *Support - Knowing your rights - Info clinics (one-on-one or group sessions) - Street outreach - Support group - Community building - Linking in with mental health and addiction services. *Research & Media - List of reporting of the sites - what is actually vacant - highlighting discrepancies for transparency - Numbers on waiting lists - Numbers and names of land hoarders - Posters and infographics - Video project - Information evenings/days - Branding - What can we learn from other campaigns - look at TBTC, Raise the Roof - Identify vacant sites and make a list *Direct Action - Limerick Bus to National Protest - Organise Local Limerick Protest - set a date. - Budget Council Meeting - Next Thursday - Dooradoyle - Protest this - Banner making on Monday (Anne-Marie) - Have very clear demands - making a manifesto - Occupy Old Dunnes - Sleep Outs - Vigil - highlighting number of people who have died from homelessness. - Symbolic demos - Action outside council house *Right to housing in the constitution was something brought up by all three groups.

PARKING SPACE: Moving structures implemented in Dublin to Limerick? - Sarah Jane

AOB: Fiona Woods volunteered to make map of vacant Limerick property.

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